Monday, May 18, 2015



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Monday, May 11, 2015

Adding Animations in Focusky to Grab Audience’s Attention

Want to grab audience’s attention? Want your presentation lifelike and vivid? Then create a dynamic presentation with animation effects! The use of animations is quite common in presentations. It is proved that, compared with static messages, animations (if designed properly) are more effective for telling stories. They really provide visual interest to presentations.

Focusky, as a next generation presentation tool, serves to create lively presentations with dynamic animation effects. This freeanimation presentation software makes it easy to add animations to slides and inserted objects with Animation Editor. The Animation function offers a variety of effects which users can apply to slides and objects like text and images. The effects can reinforce the idea and catch audience’s eyeballs.

Fucusky has more than 40 built-in animations that can be categorized into three groups of effects. These effects are Entrance, Exit and Emphasis. Here are step-by-step tutorials on how to add animation effects to slides and objects in Focusky.

How to Add Dynamic Animation Effects to Slides

1. Click the icon of “Animate Path Content”;
2. Select the slide which you want to apply animations to;
3. Click “Add Effect” to choose an animation effect from the list;
4. Customize the effects;
a)         Select an option under the Trigger Action to decide the way how the slide animations occur.
Ø  “Click” means the animation occurs when you click the mouse.
Ø  “With Previous” means you want the animation to occur at the same time as the previous animation.
Ø  “After Previous” means the animation will take place after the previous animation.

b)         In “Animation Settings”, you can set the speed that you want the animation to play.

How to Add Dynamic Animation Effects to Objects

1. Click the icon of “Animation” on the main toolbar;
2. Select the object or objects that you want to add animations to;
3. Click “Add Effect” to choose an animation effect from the list;
4. Customize the effects
a)       Select an option under the Trigger Action to decide the way how the object animations occur.
Ø  “Click” means the animation occurs when you click the mouse.
Ø  “With Previous” means you want the animation to occur at the same time as the previous animation.
Ø  “After Previous” means the animation will take place after the previous animation.

b)       In “Animation Settings”, you can set the speed that you want the animation to play.

In addition, Focusky allows you to preview the animation effect of a single object, and even all animations on a slide. If you find the animation is not what you expect, you can change it easily.

Click here to view animation presentations made with Focusky.